Air diffusers for wastewater treatment come in a wide variety of shapes and materials, with most advertised as being “clog-free” or "maintenance-free". The unfortunate truth is that virtually all of them clog, and virtually all of them require cleaning and/or replacement every few years — or even every few months. This is a well-known fact in the wastewater treatment industry.
When air diffusers are used in actual wastewater, the brown, turbid nature of the water makes it impossible to observe how clogging and wear is progressing. Hence the deceptive claims in advertisements continue without end.
The OHR AERATOR is the best air diffuser available on the market today. Featuring a unique mechanism together with the world’s most powerful mixing function, it is now used in more than 4,000 factories across the world. In addition, it has been independently verified to operate clog-free even in slurries, which rapidly clog up other air diffusers.
Video: OHR AERATOR’s three main features

Porous air diffusers discharge air through a large number of fine pores, which results in sludgy wastewater flowing back into the pores during operation. The hot (70–80°C) air supply then dries this backflow, which proceeds to accumulate inside the diffuser and clog the pores.
By contrast, the OHR AERATOR discharges air from a single large opening (30 mm across) before mixing the gas and liquid. Using its unique structure, it breaks fluids down without obstructing their flow, ensuring that sludge cannot accumulate anywhere inside. In addition, the inside is constantly cleaned by the strong spiral flow. It therefore never clogs, no matter whether processing wastewater with a high sludge concentration of 20,000–30,000 mg/L, or merely operating intermittently once a week.
Why the OHR AERATOR never clogs and porous air diffusers always clog
Real-world examples

Since one OHR AERATOR model AE-130N is equivalent to about ten porous air diffusers in terms of airflow rate per unit, considerably fewer are required to be installed. Furthermore, because the OHR AERATOR can be installed without draining the tank, the initial costs (including construction and piping) will in most cases be far less than with conventional air diffusers. As previously explained, it also does not clog, remaining completely maintenance-free and not incurring any future extra costs.
How to install the OHR AERATOR

The OHR AERATOR generates 3.3 times more fine bubbles than rubber porous air diffusers. In addition, the alpha value, which represents the true performance of the air diffuser, has been determined to be an unprecedentedly high 1.0. Both are proof of the power of the gas–liquid mixing ability of the OHR AERATOR.
Are rubber air diffusers really efficient?

Bubbles discharged by porous air diffusers are on the order of millimeters or centimeters, and rise slowly, at a rate of around 0.5 m/s. This makes it impossible to generate powerful water flows, which leads to sludge accumulation and anaerobicization, and to a host of other issues in turn.
The majority of the air discharged by the OHR AERATOR is as a dense mass of coarse bubbles. These bubbles rise rapidly at a speed of 1.8 m/s, and, when combined with our specialist knowhow, create powerful circulatory water currents that stir up and diffuse oxygen throughout the entirety of the tank.
This water flow is powerful enough to churn up substances as heavy as lime slurry.
Real-world examples

Because of the OHR AERATOR’s powerful gas–liquid collision and reaction capabilities, it is widely used not only for biological wastewater treatment but also for accelerating chemical reactions and for other special purposes. For example, one particular power plant uses the OHR AERATOR in a highly-concentrated lime slurry in order to oxidize waste liquid from flue gas desulfurization. Thanks to its clog-free operation and the increase in reaction efficiency it has enabled, the plant now saves upwards of $250,000 a year.
Real-world examples of use in accelerating chemical reactions
In order to maximize its heat and corrosion resistance, each unit is painstakingly fabricated from special 30% talc-filled polypropylene, using cutting-edge Japanese manufacturing technology.

Aeration tanks and wastewater coming in near infinite varieties, a bespoke aeration plan is an absolute necessity — especially with the unique OHR AERATOR. We do not sell OHR AERATORs without accompanying plans for the layout and piping configuration, responsibility for the creation of which is entirely ours. This service is free of charge. To this end, please provide us with details of your tank dimensions (length, width, water depth, etc) as well as of your wastewater (volume, BOD/COD, etc). This information will be used to calculate the required airflow volumes, and to provide you with optimum aeration plans that prevent the accumulation of sludge and maintain aerobic conditions throughout the tank, all while using the fewest OHR AERATOR units.
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